How can technology help communities to improve flood response and resilience?

13th March 2019 Author: BDMA Category:

With flooding in the UK a high risk in some areas due to storm surges, heavy rain and other environmental factors, it is apparent that flood measures need to be constantly developed and adapted. Since...

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How can damage management companies ensure they are prepared for surge events

25th February 2019 Author: BDMA Category:

The link between climate change and the rise in UK floods is becoming more apparent for the industry. Plus, with climate change becoming an ever-increasing issue, severe storms and flooding remain a h...

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Guest Blog: Modern Methods of Construction

25th February 2019 Author: BDMA Category:

By James Dalton, ABI. Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) are best described as construction methods that differ from ‘traditional construction’ in that there is more focus on off-site constructi...

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Why specialist restoration should not be overlooked

18th February 2019 Author: BDMA Category:

Naturally when a home or business is damaged by the likes of an escape of water or fire, immediate attention goes to salvaging the building elements of the property. As the most monetarily valuable of...

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BDMA sets sights on defining 21st century landscape with 2019 conference

14th February 2019 Author: BDMA Category:

We are delighted to announce that our 2019 conference and exhibition will be held on Wednesday 6th November and Thursday 7th November at the Jurys Inn, Hinckley Island.   In line with the BDMA’...

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