Exposure to a hazardous material beyond allowable exposure levels.
Exposure to a hazardous material beyond allowable exposure levels.
Expenses that are not chargeable to a particular job. These include insurance, rent, telephone, advertising, legal services, office salaries, sales costs, automobile expenses, taxes, licenses and so on, frequently expressed as a percent of sales.
A combined allowance covering overhead and operating profit, frequently expressed as a percent of sales.
A chemical reaction involving the combining with oxygen atoms or molecules containing oxygen. Oxidation is the principle behind the degradation of natural substances over time (e.g., latex adhesives), the effect of oxygen bleach (NaClO, H2O2) .
A common chemical reaction in which a substance combines or reacts with oxygen to form a different substance.
A substance that gains (adds) electrons and causes the oxidation of another substance. In an oxidation reduction reaction, the substance that is reduced is the oxidizing agent.
An agent that removes colour by adding oxygen to a dye structure rendering it colourless (e.g., benzyl peroxide, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite). see _oxidizing agent_
Any atmosphere with an oxygen content below 19.5% by volume.
(O3) – A powerful oxidizing agent formed by combining oxygen molecules (O2) with an additional atom of oxygen, which reaction yields O3, or ozone gas.