This virus can cause disease only if HBV is present, and then can cause acute hepatitis in an HBV carrier, with progression to fulminant hepatitis or chronic progressive hepatitis ending in cirrhosis.
This virus can cause disease only if HBV is present, and then can cause acute hepatitis in an HBV carrier, with progression to fulminant hepatitis or chronic progressive hepatitis ending in cirrhosis.
An infectious virus transmitted in the water supplies of underdeveloped countries of Central America, India, Asia and Africa.
A substance that causes injury to the liver.
A pesticide intended to control unwanted plants, when used according to label directions.
Damage not visible on the surface, but subject to later discovery during construction or after completion of repairs.
A contract for the use of goods services or building that payment is made on a short term basis.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
An organic material that harbours and provides nourishment for saprophytic or parasitic micro organism.
Destructive combustion which occurs or spreads outside normal areas of containment.
A cleaning process in which a heated detergent solution is sprayed and simultaneously vacuumed from a surface, carrying off dissolved soils and residues.