A liquid that is suitable for human consumption or drinking.
A liquid that is suitable for human consumption or drinking.
To remove unwanted residues by applying and agitating an absorbent powder. The powder dislodges and holds the residues, which are removed along with it.
A written authorization granting another individual the right to act as one?s agent.
(PAPR) – An air-purifying respirator that uses a blower to force the ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.
Parts per billion. A unit for measuring the concentration of a gas or vapour in air, expressed as parts of the material per billion parts of air. Ppb is usually used to express measurements of extremely low concentrations of unusually toxic gases.
see _Personal Protective Equipment_
Parts per million. A unit for measuring the concentration of a gas or vapour in air, expressed as parts of the material per million parts of air. Ppm or ppb is used also to indicate the concentration of a particular substance in a liquid or solid.
The appearance and state of repair which existed prior to the loss.
The inspection by a remediator to implement or verify the remediation protocol by ascertaining work site conditions and the extent of work site preparation and to establish project scheduling.
A preliminary inspection creating a sampling strategy and performing sampling services in order to establish what the pre incident condition of the premises were, and potential results of the remediation will be