Working to ensure no-one feels isolated when disaster strikes

British Damage Management Association (BDMA) Strategic Update from Adrian Jolly – 6th April 2020
Damage management contractors and technicians are often first phase responders in the event of a property damage emergency.
Whilst the COVID-19 crisis deepens in the UK, property damage claims and insurance claims continue to occur, and in many cases inevitably require trade and damage management technicians to be in immediate attendance to halt the damage and stabilise conditions within the property.
Against this backdrop and after reference to FCA guidance notes, BDMA technicians and contractors continue, when necessary and appropriately evidenced, to respond to calls from the Insurer and Insured for assistance and support.
The damage management industry has for many years responded above and beyond in numerous emergency surge situations, most recently as a result of Storms Dennis and Ciara.
Whilst the COVID19 crisis presents an unprecedented level of challenge, there is no doubt that the damage management industry is ready, willing and able to once again rise to the challenge.
Our response
One of the fundamental aims of the BDMA as an organisation is to provide ‘value added’ member support.
Currently many technicians are either self-isolating or grounded at home, and so the BDMA has significantly discounted a number of e-Learning modules and provided some free of charge. Additional modules continue to be released – including one specifically created for health and safety and homeworking. This initiative has seen significant and positive take up.
Again, in support of its members, the BDMA has been lobbying to the Government, both directly and in conjunction with the ABI and CILA, to ensure that the damage management industry’s voices are heard, understood and essential key worker status is procured.
As ever, the BDMA’s first thoughts are with the communities affected by this pandemic. The BDMA and its members remain focused on providing assistance and support in anyway way possible in these challenging times.
Adrian Jolly, Strategic Development Director