Claire Johnson looks at the growing demand for BDMA training and the different ways in which the Association is supporting the education of its members and the wider industry
BDMA TRAINING was set up in January 2013 to deliver a comprehensive, targeted, training and education programme to support practitioners in the damage management sector and those working in related industries.
As well as offering traditional training courses on a wide range of topics, one of the objectives for BDMA Training was to identify new ways of delivering training to suit the needs of individual clients and this flexible approach is proving increasingly popular since it offers organisations and individuals a choice of learning options.
Growing Demand
Increasing recognition of BDMA accreditation has led to a noticeable rise in demand for formal training in core damage management disciplines. The majority of delegates attending these courses are aiming to achieve accreditation as BDMA Technicians, Senior Technicians or Claims Practitioners and the success of this area of training is reflected in a steady growth of members in these categories.
Training in the key elements of damage management for insurers and loss adjusters continues to be highly valued and the number of accredited BDMA Insurance Technicians continues to increase year on year.
New Skills
In addition to formal training in damage management, the introduction of taster sessions on a range of topics, open to any interested parties, has also proved very popular.
These half day courses allow attendees to find out whether a topic would be worth pursuing in more depth, as a useful addition to their skill set or from a desire to broaden their knowledge. Understanding which subjects will be of value, before investing time and money in a full length training course, allows attendees to plan their ongoing education effectively and to have confidence that they will not be wasting their time or money on training that is not relevant to them.
Flexible Options
The BDMA is focused on expanding the variety and options available through its training programmes.
Existing plans include a mixture of formal training, interactive workshops and taster sessions on the public calendar, while building on the success of the in-house training packages.
Additional topics will be offered, some of which will enable delegates to develop greater awareness and understanding of areas outside of their core practical skills, such as interpreting key elements of insurance policies, the roles of the various parties involved in the claims process, specific customer care issues related to children and young people, etc.
Some of the popular Introductory sessions are repeated regularly, while it is intended to develop others as formal training courses or workshops, based on demand and feedback received.
Corporate Buy In
The BDMA E-Learning facility continues to provide another layer of education for BDMA members and is an accessible resource for those working towards CPD targets.
There are instances of organisations incorporating these online courses in their in-house induction and training matrix.
Demand for the BDMA’s in-house bespoke training model is growing significantly. The opportunity to schedule training to fit in with company work programmes and the value of significant savings on travel, accommodation and time away from the business is proving increasingly attractive.
The BDMA’s training and accreditation programme for insurers and loss adjusters continues to be highly valued.
Over 2500 individuals have been through in-house training, with around 1750 sitting examinations for accreditation as BDMA Insurance Technicians.
The benefits delivered through this initiative are recognised by both the insurance and damage management industries, and have led to improved cross sector communication and transparency.
With some exciting concepts in the pipeline, new subjects and formats will continue to be added to the BDMA Training facility, in order to offer an increasingly comprehensive education programme.
Updated from article published in Recovery Magazine Issue 15-3
Author: Claire Johnson
Find out more about BDMA Training