An amount shown in an estimate or contract as the price for a standard quantity of a particular material or service. Unit In Place prices cover both the material and installation.
An amount shown in an estimate or contract as the price for a standard quantity of a particular material or service. Unit In Place prices cover both the material and installation.
Damaged beyond the possibility of cost-effective restoration.
A method of drying large quantities of wet books and documents, in which frozen water is converted to vapour without passing through a liquid phase.
The negative/positive pressure created in a space or vessel by the removal of the air from that space or vessel
The gaseous form of a solid or liquid substance formed as it evaporates at atmospheric temperature and pressure.
A membrane used to prevent moisture from penetrating a wall, roof or floor; also a wrap to prevent the escape of condensed water from cold pipes or ducts.
The weight of a vapour or gas compared to the weight of an equal volume of air. Also, an expression of the density of a vapour or gas. Materials lighter than air have vapour densities less than 1.0 (examples: acetylene, methane, helium)
The pressure exerted by a saturated vapour above its own liquid in a closed container.
Refers to an item that falls outside of the previously agreed upon Scope of Works. i.e. it is an extra or additional item that a separate or additional fee may be paid on top of the previously agreed value.
A secure enclosure for the storage of valuables: a large case used for the transport or storage of personal property; an enclosure above or below ground used for the purpose of operating, and maintaining electrical equipment or cable.