Able to grow under moderate temperature and humidity (moisture) conditions (e.g., certain fungi).
Able to grow under moderate temperature and humidity (moisture) conditions (e.g., certain fungi).
The biochemical reactions by which energy is made available for the use of an organism. Metabolism includes all chemical transformations occurring in an organism from the time a nutrient substance enters, until it has been used and the waste excreted.
Any substance produced in or by biological processes.
The enclosed air space provides improved thermal insulation.
A unit of length in the metric system. One metre is about 39 inches.
see _milligram_
Milligrams per kilogram. A metric weight ratio used to express toxicological doses. see _g/kg_
Milligrams per cubic meter. A metric weight/volume ratio used to express concentrations of dusts, gases, fumes or mists in air.
Something so small that it cannot be detected by unassisted human sensory means.
Minute plants that are invisible to the naked eye.