COVID-19 Update

Following Public Health England and government advice, we want to assure you that the BDMA and its members are taking every precaution necessary in relation to COVID-19.
Some of the measures being implemented by BDMA members now are:
- – Implementing social distancing in line with current advice
- – Providing necessary supplies including personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitisers to protect the public and our operatives
- – Triaging home visits to determine exposure and risk
- – Video calls being used where possible to minimise face to face meetings
The BDMA as an organisation has also taken action to protect its staff and members by:
- – Setting up the facility for BDMA office staff to work from home
- – Cancellation of the “Tech and Toys” event scheduled for 18th March
- – Cancellation of all future classroom training courses and exams
It should be stressed that the current position is dynamically evolving. At present, travel to places of work, and this would include site visits, are not specifically prohibited. Such visits should always be triaged in advance and Risk Assessed to safeguard both attending technicians, policyholders, and any other third parties. At all times, Government and Public Health England guidance should be strictly adhered to.
The situation is under constant review and being monitored closely so that we can react quickly to any changes. Please monitor our website for updates on any future training courses or examinations.