How can damage management companies ensure they are prepared for surge events

The link between climate change and the rise in UK floods is becoming more apparent for the industry. Plus, with climate change becoming an ever-increasing issue, severe storms and flooding remain a high risk. However, during these times of unpredictable weather, the damage management industry faces on going pressure and especially considering the need to respond immediately and effectively. So, how can the industry ensure they’re prepared for times of surge?
Employees and skills
Much like the weather, the demand for technicians and claims practitioners can be unpredictable, causing problems with maintaining the correct number of employees all year round. During times of surge, a large number of employees are needed and fast, but the same cannot be said all year round, making it difficult to recruit and retain staff.
Preparation is key here. Although you can’t always ensure you have the right number of employees recruited for every given situation, you can ensure that current employees are being constantly upskilled. By upskilling, you are broadening knowledge base and expertise in your team. Business owners and managers can then feel confident that all technicians are competent and offer industry best practice, resulting in wider skill sets and better on-site decisions during times of surge, and all year round.
Supply chain integration
As well as employees being individually skilled, it is vital that the entire supply chain is integrated and follows industry best practice. Communication is a fundamental part of this, especially during times of surge. Assuring that each supplier in the supply chain is corresponding effectively prevents delays in the process and reduces stress for the policyholder.
This development in technology allows industry professionals to better analyse damage and commence restoration work more efficiently. The skill-set and offering of the professionally trained and qualified Technician and Claims Practitioner should never be underestimated.