BDMA e-Academy sign ups surge with e-Learning discount

During the pandemic, to help support our members and the wider insurance industry, we made the decision to offer a range of our e-Learning courses at a discounted price or free of charge. Our rationale behind this was that whilst those in the damage management industry remained at home either due to self-isolation or being furloughed, this was a positive way to help both members and non-members to improve their knowledge, all while preparing for a post-virus economy.
The pandemic has caused a considerable degree of fear and worry in the population. When quarantine was initially introduced, it significantly affected many of those within the industry, as daily routines were changed extensively. We hope that our e-Learning courses and our e-Academy platform has provided structure and knowledge through this difficult time.
With that said, we’re delighted to announce that our e-Academy sign-ups hit record numbers over the past few months, demonstrating the positive impact our learning resources have had. We have had a 192% increase in people signing up to the e-Academy in some months, with up to 65% of the new learners coming from non-members in the wider industry, referred by our partners CILA and the ABI. Overall, we’ve seen a 240% increase in new learners across our e-Learning platform, which is wonderful news.
Here are a few of our most recent testimonials, which again, demonstrate the value of our e-Learning courses:
“Very good refresher course! Thank you BDMA!”
“Great course, lots of learnings. Got the old grey cells working!”
“Thank you to the BDMA once again for providing perfect clarity within our industry.”
“This course has taught me to pay special attention to claims where children’s lives are also impacted as a result. That may not only be applicable to a flood however also applicable to a large EOW claim and or fire which may render the home uninhabitable.”
Sign up to our e-Academy and find out more about our discounted courses here.